Claims The Bible Justifies Abortion ... |
has advocated for abortion up until the moment of birth. Earlier
this month, while appearing on "The View," the Democrat refused
to denounce the murder of the unborn post-birth, or infanticide
and he had the audacity to use Scripture as his justification
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Trump Said It...
Now You Must Make It Happen ... |
We're not talking about grandpa who gets stopped by a
police officer when he takes the grandchildren out to
buy ice cream. We're talking about hardened criminals
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Bankrolls Massive Social Media Army ... |
Michael Bloomberg's presidential campaign is hiring
hundreds of workers in California to post regularly on
their personal social-media accounts in support of the
candidate and send text messages to their friends about
him. The effort, which could cost millions of dollars ...
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Roger Stone Gets
40 Months. Will Trump Pardon? ... |
A federal judge Thursday sentenced President Donald
Trump's long-time adviser Roger Stone to 40 months in
prison for his conviction on charges that include lying
during an investigation into Russia's interference in
the 2016 presidential election
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GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder |
![](donfeder.jpg) |
Homelessness In California Marks
The Beginning Of The End Of Civilization |
The Full Commentary]